The history of Freedom Day

Welcome to the April edition of the Mzansi Voice newsletter. This month’s newsletter will focus mainly on sharing relevant and informative information surrounding Freedom Day.

In recent times I think it is safe to say that most of us are grateful for this public holiday merely because the maiority of us who are employed get a day off work and those who are in school get a day off school.

The significance of this public holiday is partially or even completely forgotten.

We, the Mzansi Voice team felt that we needed to play our small part in reminding you and ourselves about the significance of Freedom Day. In South Africa out of all our public holidays one can argue that this is right up there with the most important ones.

Freedom Day symbolizes a huge achievement for all South Africa’s. The reason we are now known as the rainbow nation comes from a day such as this. Below are some interesting facts about Freedom Day and ways to celebrate the day.

The history of Freedom Day

Freedom Day is celebrated annually on the 27th of April in honour of the auspicious day in 1994 when the first non-racial election was held in the country. South Africa celebrates Freedom Day to mark the liberation of our country and its tople from 300 years of colonialism, White minority domination, politically enforced prejudice and Apartheid. Freedom Day honours those who fought for our country’s liberation, and the many men and women who suffered through incarceration, banning’s and torture on behalf of the oppressed during Apartheid.

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 WhatsApp: 27 82 384 7456

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